Monday, March 23, 2015

March 19, 2015: A HUGE Surprise!

Thursday morning I woke up-took the kids to school, dropped Brynlee and Kyra off at daycare, drake 32 ounces of water, and traveled to Idaho Falls with Devin for our first ultrasound appointment.  I almost told Devin to stay home and not worry about because they are usually uneventful and I'm sure he could find something else to do-but he wanted to go and support me.  We arrived a few minutes before our appointment time so I could feel out the paperwork while trying not to wet my pants.  32 ounces of water to a pregnant women is pure torture!!!  We went into the room-I slowly climbed up on the bed (again-trying not to have an accident) and waited for the technician to start the scan.  She scanned my "parts" and told me I could use the restroom--Whew!!!!

I came back in-climbed up onto the table and the fun part of the scan was going to begin.  She asked if we wanted to know the gender-OF COURSE--and started the screening.  She found the baby and told us that the baby was currently breech.  I'm watching the monitor above my head the entire time and Devin was standing up watching the other screen to my side.  The technician moved the wand and I noticed something "not quite right" and she began to laugh.  Devin asks her what....and she goes, "Ummmmmm, you have two sets of feet in there"  I immediately cried-and Devin said, "Twins?"  Yep---we are having twins!!!!!  The rest of the scan was kinda a blur--1 I was in tears and 2 I think I was in shock.  I had a feeling I was pregnant with a girl and I was right--I was just pregnant with 2 girls.  Neither baby wanted their photos taken and really didn't want us to know their gender.  They have their own placentas so they won't be identical: BUT how more identical can my children be???  They all look exactly the same!

Expecting twins explains so much---why I have been so sick, fatigued, and gaining so much weight!  Tonight I realized that I can't even see my toes and I'm just over 20 weeks!  Holy Moly how big will I get??? I think I'm going to have to take updated tummy photos every two weeks instead of the 4 because I'm changing so much every week!
Photo of each babies bums--starting the mooning early

The two sets of feet we saw at the beginning
The night before I had everyone put in there guess of what they thought the baby would be and place inside an envelope.  When all the kids got home from school and ready for dance-we sat them in the living room to reveal the gender.  At first I gave them the pile of photos-to see if anything could be seen.  Earlier I had made mini pink cupcakes for the reveal and gave each child 2.  They looked at the photos and couldn't see anything (not surprising, they are soooo hard to see)  I gave them the feet photo again and told them to look closer at the photo and think of WHY they had 2 cupcakes.  Tristan got it right away and Cortlynn started to cry with a big, loud, NO!!!!!

The bottom photos were after the reveal!

It has now been 4 days since we found out. Devin told everyone at work, I've told everyone and posted it on facebook, and of course the kids have told everyone else.  I'm still numb, and in a way can't believe that it's true.  Tristan is doing great--since he's the only boy, he believes he won't have to share a room or anything else.  He has also had offers from neighbors that if there is just too much girl at the house, he can come over and stay a few days....

That first night-Tristan couldn't sleep and came down crying. Cortlynn couldn't sleep. I woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep.  The next day at daycare-Kyra stood by the fence and cried while I drove away.  She has NEVER done this. So I think we were all shocked and our bodies couldn't handle it.  The kids seem better now.  I hope so, because I'm afraid the next few months are going to be long and full of trials.

Finding out we will be parents of 6 children rather than the 5--is a little surreal.  Technically our vehicle only seats 7---it will be paid off in 2 months and I really don't want another car payment.  SO-I think we will just not travel as a family of 8 for awhile.  I was already planning ahead for 1: getting diapers bought, we have a carseat, clothes, crib, swing, etc---but now, it's almost like we are starting over.  We need to get even more diapers, another car seat, and figure out what else we need to stock up on.

I'm still a wreck.  My emotions are a nightmare and I cry ALL THE TIME!  I'm horribly irritable, exhausted is an understatement, stressed and trying to figure out what the next few months are going to entail--trying to figure out what to do with work (I haven't even informed my boss I'm pregnant let alone pregnant with twins) trying to figure out if I can continue to babysit a few days-worried that the babies will come early, worried that I won't be able to have them vaginally but have to have a C-section, worried about nursing twins, worried that I'm not eating enough for the babies to grow properly since I get sick after eating anything!  I guess it's safe to say I'm just worried and still in shock!  I have decided not to go out a lot and when I do-I avoid people.  Devin has told me a few things people (a-holes) have said to him about our pregnancy and I don't know how I would react if I heard it.  I just don't need that right now.  So, I will stay secluded in our home and just get bigger.

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