Friday, March 20, 2015

20 Weeks

Here we are at 20 weeks. The last 20 weeks have been tough and not very pleasant.  At my 18week apt I had gained 8 pounds in 4 weeks!!!!  WHAT???  I still am not able to eat very much-when I eat, I get nauseous and I just didn't understand WHERE the weight came from.  My blood pressure was good (quite low) and the baby's heartbeat was good.  Since I'm not able to hide it anymore-most people now know that I'm pregnant-and thanks to Kyra-everyone knows "My mommy had a baby in her tummy".  Besides being nauseous almost all of the time-I am extremely tired, and now have severe cases of restless legs at night.  My legs hurt SO BAD!!!!!  I am also horribly forgetful; the day of Tristan's pinewood derby-I traveled to Montpelier for work.  It is more than 1 1/2hrs away.  When I got to the first house to take photos -I realized I had forgotten the camera at home.  Devin actually had the day off and met me back in Soda Springs--what should have been a 4 hour day turned into more of a 5 1/2 hour day with a LOT of driving. I forgot Tristan's ballet shoes one day-forget I have laundry in the washer (ewwww), and so much more.  I have also found that I get extremely hot!  Two weeks ago I was sitting in Relief Society and had such a hot flash hit me I couldn't function. I was reading a quote and when I was done-the teacher said thank you BUT, this is what the quote really said.  I don't know what I read-but it wasn't what I had in front of me.  Those poor ladies probably thought I was having a stroke.  I came very close to passing out.  This last week I made sure to take a water--which helped, but it was still too much.  I better remember to sit by the door for a quick exit.

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