This has been a crazy week at the McIntire home. Kyra has been fighting an ear infection, fever, and a variety of rashes and now some nasty hives. Poor little girl. She is such a trooper and will still have that big smile on her face even when she has a 104plus temperature.
With Halloween being this week we had several activities the kids participated in. On Saturday we had our Ward's trunk or Treat. It was a little cold and I didn't plan on as many kids tat showed up so we ran out of candy after 20 minutes. oops. I even dressed up for this one. We carved pumpkins that night as well. I even stuck my hand in the pumpkin and cleaned it out. I hate this and having nasty, slimy stuff on my hands makes me sick-but I did it. (there is a photo to prove I did it) The kids and I made sugar cookies on Halloween and they had so much fun and can't believe how good they are. The kids got all dressed up and I was an idiot and took them to the mall for some trick or treating.....STUPID! This will be the last time I do this. You can't pay me enough in money and/or candy to stand in line for 30plus minutes to get one jolly rancher from 20 different stores. It was awful and I can't believe some of the costumes little girls and teens were wearing. It was like I was on the "rd light" district.(If you know what I mean) I would never let Cortlynn wear some of that stuff.
We came back home, ate dinner, and went around the neighborhood. Kyra and I didn't last very long since she wasn't feeling the best and the hives were pretty miserable. We came back home and handed out candy. Funny story about the candy this year. Devin had a huge container of jaw-breakers that I decided to hand out rather than candy bars. So we handed out a handful to each kid----I asked Devin how old they were and he chuckled....He was given the container from Dan at the A+A Market probably 16+years ago. ;-0 Hopefully back than the dyes they used were safe.
Devin, Cortlynn, and Tristan walked everywhere and came home with two huge bags full of goodies---some of which were big sized candy bars (who does this??). They were so worn out that both were snoring in their beds when I went and checked on them later that night.
Kyra looking cute with her hives everywhere. They aren't that dark in these photos b/c I had just given her a baking soda bath.

I've started babysitting 3 children on Mondays. They belong to a long0time family friend and they are so cute. This is Kloe-the 6 month old little girl. Cortlynn only has a little jealousy going on. The two little boys (4 and 2) wouldn't sit still long enough for a photo.
I've started babysitting 3 children on Mondays. They belong to a long0time family friend and they are so cute. This is Kloe-the 6 month old little girl. Cortlynn only has a little jealousy going on. The two little boys (4 and 2) wouldn't sit still long enough for a photo.