This last Saturday was the last performance of the Nutcracker and in a way I'm so glad it is over. Over the last two weeks she was in 4 performances and 2 mini performances for the schools. She has also been practicing for a minimum of 2 hours each week since October-on top of her 3 days a week dance classes. Every performance of the Nutcracker was sold out; and they actually set up folding chairs in the aisles. On Saturday they had a waiting list for even more folding chairs. All of the dancers do such a great job and it is very professional looking. I'm so proud of her and the talent she has. Even though she can only hear in one ear-her musicality is amazing. It isn't just me being a proud mother saying this-but also the academy owners/instructors. They can't believe how well she does with one ear.
I decided to help out backstage with the little "chefs" this year because none of their mothers signed up. I helped last Friday and thanks to one of the other mothers of a "cherub"-I almost went crazy. She was beyond obnoxious. Cortlynn told me that she was up there every night-even when she wasn't supposed to be. She's one of those people that has to be the center of attention and doesn't follow the rules or instructions. She actually told the dance instructor what to do and how to choreograph the dance. AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

Cortlynn was a rat this year and was in the fan favorite "battle scene"
This week we made some ornaments with the kids. The ornaments came in prepackaged kits and I think someone or the machine had a sense of humor. The gingerbread man that went on Kyra's ornament had some stars and twirls in places that shouldn't have them. Cortlynn was the one that pointed this out.

Check out the "naughty" gingerbread man on the right.
I think I've mentioned in a past blog how Kyra has discovered the cereal cabinet. This is Kyra digging into the Trix box. She will actually move the Pops, and Rice Krispies to get to the Trix.

She spilled the cereal in this picture and the look on her face is hilarious. (I think she also had a mouth full of cereal)

We have a baby swing that Kyra was never interested in until I started watching baby Kloe. Now-she plays with it all the time. She will put her baby doll in the swing and swing it high. Last week I turned around and she had climbed into the swing by herself and started to swing it back and forth. She is such a little stinker but I love her.