While at his appointment he wouldn't perform. He just looked at the doctor and acted like he didn't know how to do anything and couldn't answer any of the doctor's questions. Tristan even told him that he couldn't jump, stand on one foot, that he lived in Idaho Falls, didn't know the ABC's or count. My "special" child did tell the doctor that his mom says all candy is crap and that his dad drinks a lot of soda because it's good for you. Gotta love what kids say.
This week my feet and legs have been swelling SO BAD! They hurt, are gross looking, and I'm just so over it. I'm beginning to wonder if they keep getting bigger if they will actually break my shoes....I'm almost to the point I'm going to have to wear extra wide slippers since none of my shoes fit. I've posted a couple of pictures, you can't really get a true picture of them but you'll get an idea. We all know how much I love feet and to have them look like Flintstones feet makes it that much better.