The last week of being pregnant was a tough one. Things were going on with my body that I didn't think were "normal" and I thought my symptoms could inspire an episode of "Greys Anatomy". While I was at my last doctors appointment I told the nurse what was going on and she just stood there and stared at me.....with a look of "hmmmmmm" on her face.
Later that evening I began having contractions but kept them to myself. They only lasted a few hours so I didn't think that much about them. Devin and my mom figured it out later that I was in deed having pains. They are very observant. Friday morning I woke up and had to run to Fred Meyer to take care of some errands. The entire time I was having contractions but kept them to myself. I even sat down with Devin and several co-workers but kept quiet---Prior to leaving I did tell Devin that he should stay by the phone. When I came back home--we ate lunch and I helped with Tristan's homework. The contractions weren't getting "regular" but they were definitely getting stronger. After several hours and my mom telling me that I needed to call Devin and get him home--I finally caved and called a little after 3:00. Holy cow---some of my contractions were incredibly painful!!!!! but again--nothing regular. Some were 8 minuted apart-others 15 minutes---nothing I could set a clock to. Devin finally got home around 4 (he told me later that he stayed to show employees things and complete work-until his boss told him that he better get home to me) My mom was actually on the verge of driving me up herself. (I have my babies in Idaho Falls--about 45 minutes away)
Since the hospital built their new women's center at the hospital we weren't sure where to check in and of course we went to the wrong place. Oh well---they were still able to check me in. Unfortunately the entire women's center was full. FULL of women having babies and full of women that had babies. There was no "room at the inn" for me. (at 5:00 there were 5 babies ready to be born and that didn't include me) They put me up in a very small room at the end of the hall. I had to walk across the hall to get into my gown and the bed they had me get on was actually a stretcher. The nurse checked me and I was already at a 5 close 6 and there was no turning back. Because I was so far along-they found me a birthing bed of sorts. It was quite crooked but it worked better than a stretcher. For about an hour they searched for an actual room but came to the conclusion it wasn't going to happen and that the "closet" I was in would become my birthing room. After a while of being there I asked for an epidural (with Kyra I waited toooooooo long and it didn't work--so I experienced natural childbirth, knew I could do it naturally but didn't want to experience it again) The guy came in and had a difficult time getting it in---the bed was crooked-which in turn made my spine crooked. The first attempt was a fail-so he tried again. That time we thought it was a success until I realized I was only kinda numb on part of my right side. Dr. Hall came in to check me and to break my water while the anesthesiologist was called. So----a 3rd and 4th attempt were made. The 4th one finally worked!!! Yippee!!!!! Devin was upset-but what do you do???? It probably didn't help that my water really broke while the 3rd attempt was taking place. I swear I lost 10lbs. The floor became a small lake and I apologized to the nurse for getting her shoes all nasty. I was thankful this didn't happen in public--I would have been mortified. The entire thing was comical---closet room, stretcher bed, multiple epidural attempts...... I kept setting of the alarm for my blood pressure because it was so low!! the machine wouldn't accept the numbers--after listening to the alarm for more than an hour-the nurse decided to place it on my calf (not sure why--but the alarm quit going off.) At 8:00pm the doctor came in to see how I was and to check my status: He pulled up the sheet and informed the nurse, me, and Devin that the babies head was right there and I was ready to have the her. The problem with that was the fact no one was ready, the room wasn't prepped, and they had to try to find some help with the delivery. Dr. Hall asked if the room was safe for delivery and if it was ever used in that way---they said it could be used for delivery but had never been---they brought in a baby warmer, the table of doctor tools, and yet--another nurse/helper could not be located. A few minutes later another nurse came in and told me that she was paged to room 126 for delivery and she had no clue where room 126 was. :-o I began pushing at 8:15---I felt bad because Devin couldn't really assist or even be by me; the room was so small that the nurses and doctor were around me and Devin had to stay out of the way of the monitor. I was in the stirrups with all my glory being out and facing the hall with the DOOR OPEN!!!!! Yep-pretty sure the dude walking to the restroom got an eye full. I didn't care because he wouldn't be able to recognize me outside the hospital. Again-my contractions weren't regular. I would push thru one of them and then we had to sit and wait for another one. It was like a scene from a movie---the movies "Tombstone" and "Wyatt Earp" came to mind: the stand off at the OK Coral---everyone looking at each other with no words spoken...This went on for what seemed like forever. Crickets were playing in the back ground. Devin and the doctor were about to sing when I asked, "Can I push, now?"
At 8:30pm on Friday May 3, 2013 (9 days early)---Brynlee Onyx McIntire came into this world. She weighed 7lbs 9 oz and was so beautiful!!!!! I was overwhelmed with joy to meet my new little daughter.
The experience was quite funny and I would have liked to experience labor in an actual birthing room-but what do you do??!! At least Devin was in the room and not asleep in the car, Brynlee was born healthy, and the actual birth was uneventful: I couldn't have asked for anything more.
This is a photo was taken in between contractions. |
Brynlee's first photo |
She HATED her bath |
Such a cute little angel |
Proud Daddy! |
Mommy/Brynlee bonding |
Kyra wasn't too sure about the new baby. After several minutes she did "warm" up to her. |
Brynlee didn't want to get into her car seat-but I don't blame her. Such a small little girl in such a large seat. I love the hat---I guess one of the nurses makes these hats when it isn't very busy during her midnight shifts.
Kyra really is a very good and loving big sister. |
Tristan wanted a brother but is happy with a sister. |
I have a picture just like this of me and Kyra. Amazing to me how much the kids all look alike. |