This year we decided to decorate T-Shirts. The children decorated their own and the "adults" drew names and decorated that person's shirt. I was quite impressed by the talent and craftiness some of them had. The men may have been griping about the craft portion of the trip but the shirts turned out too cute.
The kids went fishing with their dads and grandpa, some went metal detecting, we had a water fight, cooked smores over the fire, had sno-cones, played cards, and other fun games. The adults had a Wii bowling tournament and I've decided NOT to lose the first game because than you have to come back from behind to try to win. I was so sore the next day. The Wii was a hit as well. The boys loved the hunting game and the girls couldn't get enough of the dancing game. My parents even "Walked like an Egyptian" with huge smiles on their faces. Nicole, dad, Daniel, Josh, and I also decided to play a game of Risk while Devin was out with Tristan(metal detecting). At the beginning Nicole and I decided to team up against the guys and it was the best thing we could have done. We didn't attack each other once the entire game and we slowly took each man out. Needless to say none of them were too happy with us. We didn't even play to see who won: we felt like winners for beating the boys. Teeheeheee
On Wednesday we left and decided to take the kids to Mesa Falls. Cortlynn and Tristan thought they were pretty but were ready to get home. We stopped in Idaho Falls and took them to "Bodies, The Exhibition". Tristan wasn't sure about it and wondered where all of these "monsters" came from: but still enjoyed it. Cortlynn really got into it and enjoyed it as well. All in all we had a great time away and spending it with family made it even better. Can't wait until next year!
BFF's Devin and Josh---metal detecting outside the cabin
Parents "dancing"
Nicole winning the favorite aunt title with taking all the kids to the hot tub (by herself) crazy women