three children were the best behaved....even out of the adults. The movie was cute and they really like to be able to hang out with mom. Have I mentioned how happy I am I made the decision to quit my job??? Best decision!
This week Devin's father celebrated his birthday and I offered to make the cake. I had a different idea for the cake but with a 5 month old who doesn't nap, watching 2 other children, and making all of it from scratch---I ran out of time. I was happy with it and Devin's family seemed to enjoy it. There wasn't much left. The bottom layer was a yellow cake with Cinnamon cream cheese filling and butter cream. The second layer was chocolate with the same filling...all with fondant covering it. (EVERYTHING was homemade) I ordered a set of round pans that will work better than what I have so I'm excited to get those.
Kyra has decided that she wants to crawl. I think since she has older siblings-she is progressing quicker to keep up. Anyway-her favorite thing to do is crawl onto our table in the living room and than crawling thru to the other side. She is constantly doing this. She also enjoys to crawl over to the diaper bag and dig in it for diapers. While at the store the other day I was checking out with her in my left arm. I turned away for a moment and she decided to dig in the purse of the women behind us. How embarrassing.... ;-) She has also moved to her highchair. She looks so tiny in her seat but she thinks she is such a big girl. What a cutie.