A week has passed since little Kyra came into our family and it has been a busy week. Having Christmas be a day after bringing the baby home was a little crazy. Santa Clause came and the kids were so excited to wake up and open presents. Kyra is a total night owl and slept for maybe 3 hours so I guess she was excited for Christmas morning too. We opened presents and tried to rest throughout the day. My mom prepared a wonderful dinner for us that we could heat up and eat that evening. They spent a few days out in Arco over Christmas and we had a few days to get used to becoming a family of five.
We are slowly adjusting to having a baby and not getting any sleep. Kyra was always up in the night while in my tummy and I don't know why I thought it would be different when she was born. A few nights she woke up just to hang out with mom...this is great except for the fact it was 230 in the morning and it went on until after 5:30. Dan, Jen, Brayden. and Ashlyn stopped by to see the baby and the kids loved being able to play with their cousins. Tristan asks us every day when Brayden can come over and play. Thanks guys for the dinner and the cute outfit.
This post is a little choppy because it is difficult to type with a baby on your lap...but a few funny things I've heard this past week pertaining to the baby or birth of the baby....most of which came from my husband...
"Devin almost missed the birth of his daughter because he was asleep in the car for two hours" Devin's response: "You sent me out to get you chap stick"
Regarding my "little" episiotomy" "Well it was just a little cut, nothing to it. You didn't have a circumsision." (another Devin quote) My response was just having my jaw drop and say really??
After Devin held Kyra and let her suck on his thumb: " Wow-she has quite a strong suction-she really had my thumb." (ya think?? try having that "suction" on your sensitive chest parts)
On Monday Kyra had a doctors appointment and Tristan was quite upset; when I asked him why he said: "Mom, don't let them put the baby back in your tummy"