Cortlynn's birthday is coming up and I want to make her cake. I've been wanting to try fondant and told Cortlynn her cake would have it on. I didn't want to mess it up or have it not even work the day of her party, so I decided to make a valentines cake. I thought about buying the fondant already made-but I made it myself. It actually turned out pretty good. Cortlynn was impressed and Tristan loved just eating the fondant off the cake. We'll have to see how her birthday cake turns out.
For Cortlynn's valentine box she had to take to school couldn't be a valentine theme-it had to be based on a book they have read in class. She chose a book about a little boy that couldn't see, or people couldn't see him (I'm not sure-a little confused) he would place a spoon on his nose, look at himself in a mirror, etc. So I helped her come up with a box that had a "mirror" on it, taped a spoon to it, drew a red cross on it to represent a hospital, and made a straw into a walking stick. We were pretty proud. When she brought it home last night from school I was looking at it and told Devin that the walking stick looked more like a cigarette. His response, "Well actually it looks more like the supplies for a drug addict." Holy crap he was right! It did look like supplies for a drug addict. Too funny. Good thing 9/10 year olds don't see things like us.