On Friday I decided to decorate for Halloween. I've had to make a few adjustments since my little girl is into EVERYTHING. There is nothing that is safe from Kyra. I have lights plugged into an outlet in our living room and she goes right to it. So I thought I would cover it by a large scary pumpkin. Nope-didn't work. She isn't scared of the scary pumpkin, the walking hand, the big scary, walking spider, or the scary candles I have. Nope-she is terrified of this doll in a wedding dress that was my moms. So- Cortlynn thought we could place it by the outlet. That worked. She won't go near it. Not sure why-but she doesn't like that doll. Too bad I don't have a few more to help out with the Christmas decorations. ;-)
I've had issues with Cortlynn and Tristan eating different types of food. Tristan even has a new food chart and every time he tries a new food he gets a sticker. After 20 stickers he can get a treat from daddy's store. That boy....he will take a bite of a new food and gag. Kyra-she is the opposite. She LOVES food. ALL kinds of foods. This week I gave her peas and carrots from my plate. She thought she was so big.