I can't believe how time flies by and writing on my blog is at the bottom of my list of things to do. I have a few minutes this morning and Kyra is asleep so I thought I'd write a quick update. Kyra is now 6 weeks old and is getting such a cute personality. She is struggling gaining weight but at her appointment last week she was almost 9lbs. Grow little Kyra. I need to continue to supplement formula once a day and she doesn't like it. Most of it will be spit up within minutes of finishing it. She will smile at you not just with her mouth but her eyes smile too. It is so cute. The last couple of days it almost sounds like she laughs. Cortlynn and Tristan can't get enough of her and she loves being around her older siblings.
Devin went back to work a little over a week ago and it has been tough adjusting to getting the kids up and where they need to be in the morning after getting no sleep. My little girl loves to be up and socialize. Now she has decided that she doesn't need to sleep during the day.
My parents were able to stop by on their way back to Montana and the kids loved being able to spend just a little more time with them. Thanks again mom for helping us out when the baby came!
Tristan loves taking pictures, sorry dad-I just had to post this.

Kyra loves to stare at people
Kyra in the tutu aunt Jen made. She was a hit at Cortlynn's ballet class.

The kids sledding-Tristan was scared @first but wants to go every day now.

This picture just cracks me up. She's so full of personality.

Tristan fell asleep on the couch and we had to get a picture of it.