I can't believe that Easter has already come and gone. I haven't really been in the spirit of decorating the house for Easter, but I felt bad that nothing was out for the kids. I finally pulled a few baskets and eggs out a week and a half ago, making the kids excited for the Holiday. Like every year-I waited until the last minute to decorate eggs and of course Devin was at work. For those that know me well-you know that I really don't like messes-so dying eggs seriously almost puts me into a frenzy! I stress, hover, pace back and forth with paper towels, and wish the project was over 5 minutes into it. This year Kyra was into it and wanted to do her eggs by herself. This consisted of throwing the eggs into the dye-causing the dye to spray EVERYWHERE the newspaper wasn't. Yep-I had so much fun. ;-| I tried to keep a smile on my face so the kids would have fun.
Easter morning we woke up and the kids and I hurried to get ready to get to church by 8:20am; the hunt for eggs had to wait until after. Poor kids---they could see the eggs and candy but being the mean mom I am, made them wait. teeheehee (the power of being a parent) Tristan LOVES to hunt for eggs, Cortlynn thinks she's almost too old for it, and once Kyra figured out some had candy in them, she was done. She found one, opened it, and began to chow down.
The rest of the morning consisted of me making deviled eggs and a snicker/apple salad for a get together with Devin's family. Unfortunately Devin forgot to mention to me that the get together would be at the park in Shelley, so no one was really dressed appropriately. Oh well- the kids enjoyed being outside and playing on the playground equipment. I think Kyra went down the slides over a 100 times, even the big/fast one. I couldn't get to her fast enough and she flew off the bottom and landed face first in the sand. When the poor girl stood up and began to cry-a ton of sand came pouring out of her mouth. She had sand stuck in her molars, up her nose, stuck to the back of her throat---nasty. BUT-she got back up and continued to play. We had an egg hunt for all the kids---there were eggs everywhere: some had candy, old gag gifts inside, and some had money. Tristan being the competitive little man he is-had to dump is basket once because it was so full and headed out again. When it was all over-he had found $17.25 in MONEY!!!!! He was the big winner. ALL of the big kids were upset that a 6 yr old came out with all the funds and they were lucky to find a dollar.
Sitting in the sun and chasing Kyra around for hours was exhausting. By 6:00 I was almost in tears begging Devin to go home. I get so tired-especially on the weekends. Usually-I end up crying due to the fatigue and Easter Sunday/Easter weekend was no different.
Overall, the kids enjoyed Easter and everything that came with it. Until next year.............
I asked the kids to look at me and smile and this is what I got. |
What a big helper she is. |
I have a ton of pictures of Kyra making these funny faces. |
On the Hunt for eggs. |
Mission completed. |
Devin took the camera and wanted me to pose for a photo. I posed--in my sexy, model pose. HAHA Check out that baby bump! These two photos will probably be the only two of me pregnant with this little bundle of joy. So enjoy~
Now this is a photogenic group! |