With the constant leg and feet pain mixed in with fatigue, a cold, (a husband who is now sick), I am in no mood for the butt heads that come into my place of employment. The things I've been called this week is ridiculous. I don't understand how someone can treat another person so bad when they don't even know them. One guy kept shaking his finger in my face; I came about 3 seconds from either biting it (but he was gross) or grabbing it and breaking it. I really thought about it. That is sad. Years ago I loved working with the public now, not so much. Sure wish Devin would win the lottery so I could stay at home with the kids and find a hobby to keep me busy. Is all of this added stress really worth it in the end?? I don't think it is-I come home and end up taking it out on the people I love the most--Devin and the kids. The days of coming home from work with a smile on my face are long gone. I think if I came home with a smile on my face my family would ask me what I was on....I don't know--I need to quit venting and try to get some sleep.
I'm having contractions on and off almost nightly now-and they are quite strong. I'm dilated to a two so I don't think I will be going to my due date which is Dec. 30. I feel like it will be next week sometime. We can't wait to meet our new addition to the family---we just need to come up with a name.
The ONLY pregnant photo of me and it was taken tonight. The other one Cortlynn took of my swollen legs and feet----too bad I don't have a photo of an elephant or hippo to compare the legs too.....they may not look that big but holy crap-they are....