I've made it to 30 weeks and am definitely feeling it. I haven't gained a ton of weight-but what I have gained is all in my tummy area so my balance is off. At my ultrasound last week Baby A is still head down but Baby B flipped and is currently breach. (I'm pretty sure I know exactly when she flipped-during sacrament 2 weeks ago. My entire right side of my tummy rose up and shifted. Cortlynn even saw it and asked what was going on) Hopefully she flips again because I'm pretty terrified of a C-Section. I've been pretty fortunate not to get a lot of stretch marks but the veins on my belly are nasty. We call them "Bella Veins". If you're familiar with the movie Twilight you know what I'm talking about. Not a lot of new symptoms-pretty much the same. Except the other night I could not lift my legs more than a couple inches off the floor. So walking, going up the stairs, getting into bed, moving in bed, and even driving the next day was almost an impossibility. The pain felt like I was breaking in two. SOOOOOO PAINFUL. I continue to have Braxton Hix contractions and some are pretty intense-but at my appointment last Tuesday-nothing had changed.
Waist:44 1/2 inches Measured 35 weeks at the Dr Appointment |
This is my Kim Kardasian sexy pose. |