A couple of weeks ago it was parent observation week at
Cortlynn's dance classes so it was a perfect opportunity for me to get a few photos of her. She is doing so good and I can't believe how flexible she is. (She doesn't believe me when I tell her I used to be able to do the splits.) I watched two ballet classes and one jazz class. The jazz class was
sooooooo loud. The music actually shook the benches we were sitting on. I didn't get any photos of that class.
She can actually touch her foot to the ground if there is a person helping her push it down, while she has a smile on her face. This stretch is a little disturbing to me---I hurt just watching her do it.

Check out her posture. :-)
This last week I became an aunt again and I couldn't be more excited. Dan and Jen had their baby on Monday January 16
th. Little Bridger Garrett is such a cutie! We were able to meet him last night. What a beautiful addition to their family.
Kyra wasn't too sure what to think while I was holding him. I think she was a little jealous.

Kyra woke up from a nap yesterday and her hair was CRAZY!!! I just had to take a picture of it. Unfortunately you don't get the true feel of what it looked like. OUT of CONTROL!