I can't believe 11 years ago today I was blessed with the birth of my first child Cortlynn Jade. It really seems like just yesterday. She can be quite stubborn and she was born that way. After pushing for 3 hours-she finally came into the world to the biggest smiles from her mom, dad, and grandma Swanson. After that-everyone that came to meet her-left with a big smile on his/her face. WOW-how time flies. These last 11 years have been wonderful and I couldn't imagine life without her in it. She is such a special girl with so many talents. When she was younger I was told that she had an old soul and I really believe that-some days she acts so much older than she is.
Happy Birthday Cortlynn and thank you so much for being my daughter and friend.
I LOVE you!!!!

Tuesday February 20th 2001
7lbs 9 oz 19 1/2 inches