My little boy turned 4 years old yesterday. I cannot believe how fast time flies by and how big he is getting. Tristan is such a special little man and I love him so much! He was so excited for his birthday because he knew daddy would be home. Devin actually came home late Friday night and was here in the morning. When Tristan saw him he was so happy and gave him the biggest hug. All day long Tristan was Devin's little shadow. Devin bought everyone a Boise State shirt and Tristan was so excited to wear his. At first he was concerned that it was a girls shirt because it was long on him but we assured him that it was ALL BOY.
We had planned a birthday party for him but unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate and no one was able to come. I felt bad for him but we made sure to make it a special day for him. We opened presents and took him to McDonald's than we came back home to eat cake and ice cream and than watch "The Last Airbender". I think he had a good day.
Tristan @McDonald's Tristan w/the Iron Man toys

Eating his cake and ice cream

such a cheesy grin

His Star Wars Cake