Tuesday, March 31, 2015

22 Weeks

I've decided that since my body is changing overnight-that I'm going to post photos every two weeks rather than every 4.  My feet have already disappeared when I'm standing up straight.  I honestly think I'm still in a state of shock since finding out we are expecting twins.  Something I teased about but never really thought seriously about it.  OOPS!!!  The babies are very active and I can already see by belly move--which is crazy since they are like the size of bananas.  

On top of being pregnant with twins-I caught the nasty stomach flu that went thru our house and literally thought I wasn't going to survive.  It was AWFUL!  I couldn't get out of bed, would get extremely hot and than extremely cold, horrible headache, and than would have to waddle as fast as I could to the bathroom to throw up items I had eaten 6 months ago.  It was pure HELL!  Thank goodness Devin had the day off and he was able to hold down the fort and watch the kids.  I was left alone to die in my misery for 24 hours.  I can definatetly tell this is a completely different pregnancy.  Yesterday I put a load of laundry in the washer-took a load out of the washer and into the dryer, and took a load out of the dryer (not in that order) and it took me 45 minutes of laying on the couch to catch my breath.  I get winded walking up the stairs, lose my breath while cooking dinner, and even in the store-I catch myself leaning over the cart to try and catch my breath.   I really am a sight to see.  

Since I was sick just 2 days ago and lost over 12lbs-I was nervous to see my doctor today.  The appointment went alright-weight was ok, blood pressure still low (88/94), and we heard both heartbeats.  Unfortunately, since I'm pregnant with twins and am now considered "high risk"-I am unable to travel more than an hour away from the Dr/Hospital.  Living in Pocatello and having my doctor in Idaho Falls-doesn't leave me a lot of travel room.  I'm a little sad about this since I won't be able to travel to Canada for my sisters wedding or be able to travel to Bear Lake for our family reunion.  BUT, I can completely understand.  I finally emailed my boss/manager tonight and informed him that I was 1)pregnant and 2)have travel restrictions: not sure how that will go.  I have been traveling SO much in so many remote and isolated locations--I guess that is a no,no now----Not sure how he will take that.
waist (around the belly button) 41 inches

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