Friday, February 14, 2014

Kyra's Surgery

About a month ago I took Kyra to the ENT for her severe snoring issues.  I'm talking it is hard to tell the difference between Devin and  Kyra snoring.  After the LONGEST wait at the office-he snuck a peak and confirmed my thoughts: the tonsils need to come out.  Two weeks later was her surgery.
I was a stress case-so my mom made the trip out here to help.  Devin was able to get 1 day off--but having my mom here to help was sooo nice.  Since Devin was still hacking and I didn't want "those" looks while at the hospital-we decided that my mom would go up to Idaho Falls with me, Kyra, and Brynlee.  We woke up early and made it to the hospital by 6am. 
Kyra was in good spirits, colored, and would glare when the nurses came in to check vitals ans answer any questions.  By 7:30 she was rolled back for surgery.  It didn't take long and I was called to the recovery room before she woke up.  This just breaks my heart----she's confused, scared, in pain, and just wanted her mommy.  The doctor told me that her tonsils were way to big for such a little girl and she will feel so much better.
After recovery-they wheeled her out to the car in a red wagon and we were home by 10.  She was such a trooper. 
The last 2weeks have definitely been trying:  horribly mean, whiny, and refused to eat ice cream after I made the mistake to try and hide the medicine inside...Nope-she figured that out real quick.  It's still too early to tell if it has made sleeping better--sure hope so.  I sure do love her!

 Both of these photos are BEFORE the surgery.  All smiles.

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