Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh Mr. Donald Trump---get a grip already!

This past week the Miss USA organization has come under fire for being trashy, fake, fraudulent, and response:  DUH!!!!!  I've said this for years.  Pretty much since the supreme being AKA Donald Trump, purchased it along with Miss Universe and Teen USA.  (I sure hope he doesn't lower his standards and read this post or I may just get sued.)  He is such a money hungry bully.  If someone doesn't agree with him he reverts to calling them names and threatening legal action.  I can't stand him.  Miss Pennsylvania gave up her state crown because she believes the top 5 USA finalists were chosen before the actual competition.  I say.....Duh, DUH!!!!  I told Devin that the day before.  I also have another theory that I will share.  The young lady that won had the "audience twitter question" which happened to be about transgendered contestants being allowed to compete, which also happened to be asked by the "judge" Rob Kardasian.  I personally believe Kris Kardashian (mother and manager of Rob) and Donald Trump came up with the plan of having Rob ask this women (who wins) the controversial twitter question in order for her son to be constantly shown on TV.  It wouldn't be the first time she has staged something for the benefit of her child's "career".
I admit, I didn't watch the entire show for various reasons: 
1) I had better things to do
2) I forgot
3)I can't stand the panel of "judges" who usually aren't capable of judging a hot dog eating contest let alone a beauty contest
4) I don't want to see the camera zoom into Mr. Trump
5) The entire show is hokey
6) It's like watching Toddlers & Tiaras except for all the boobs--instead of having a creepy pedophile man as a judge or MC--Miss USA has "The Donald".
7) I couldn't even laugh at the top 5 contestants answers to their questions----they were so irritating:  EX.  That is why Julia Roberts (she giggled and waited for the audience to laugh which didn't happen) was such a positive Role Model in Pretty Women.  She didn't let anyone roll over the top of her.....Oh my crap!!!!  prostitute=positive role model for women????  =Guess I better rethink my lifestyle.  ;-)

I hope The king of the bullies leaves poor Miss Pennsylvania alone and the rest of the world that doesn't believe what he believes or disagrees with him.  I hope he doesn't read this and demand my birth certificate and sue me for defamation of character.  I hope he doesn't think he will become the Vice President (nominee) because if that were to happen---God help us.  The anti-Christ has risen and the end is close at hand. 

Mr. Donald Trump---go to your penthouse in New York-look down at all the little people--sit on your toilet made out of gold---and think of the next person you will belittle and call a loser on national TV.  Just like the kids in middle school say----"It takes one to know one" and "look in the mirror".

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