Sunday, June 17, 2012

Future Fire Fighter, Dancer, and Comedian

A few weeks ago I took the kids to the fire station's open house.  Tristan LOVED this last year and enjoyed it even more this year.  We didn't stay very long because it was so hot but Tristan was able to sit in a firetruck and hold the fire hose.  He has now decided that he will be a fireman when he grows up.  Tristan is very certain that this will be his job.

You gotta love the pink and red fire hats all the children got.

Cortlynn is currently is a 3 week summer intensive program at her dance studio.  She has started dancing in pointe shoes and loves it.  I was new to the pointe shoe "business" and was surprised to find out that you had to sew the elastic and ribbon into the shoe yourself.  Since I didn't want to mess it up, I called Beth at the dance studio and asked for help.  After a crash course in ballet shoe sewing-I came home and began the task of hand sewing the shoes with dental floss.  I was pretty happy with the outcome.

EVERYTIME Cortlynn gets her shoes on to practice at home--Kyra walks and dances on her toes.  She is hilarious.

The other night Kyra was being soooo silly.  She would make the loudest noise while opening her mouth as wide as it would go.  I just had to get a picture of it.  She would stop making the face and noise and give you a sweet and innocent look.  She is so full silliness.

Last week Cortlynn had a daddy/daughter pancake party for activity days and they had to wear pajamas.  Devin wasn't too keen on the idea and than went all crazy.  Check out his moose slippers.

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