Sunday, March 4, 2012

Trees A.K.A. Cupcake Hats

This week has been a little less eventful compared to last week and I'm happy with that. On Friday it was the birthday of Dr. Seuss so I actually took a few minutes and came up with some treats to celebrate. I made funny colored cupcakes with chocolate chips inside. I than made a few flower toppers out of marshmallows and made "hats" out of oreos, frosting, and gummy lifesavers. I thought they were cute. When I asked Tristan what they looked like he told me Christmas Cupcakes and Devin thought they were trees. Oh well-when I explained to them what they were-they could see it.
The other night I was watching a show on TV and the two guys decided to work on a motorcycle. When they opened their tool boxes-they just had matches and some other things. They looked at each other and said, "Tool Trip". That moment reminded me so much of my dad and Uncle Jeff that I had to rewind the DVR and watch it again. Too funny! I swear they are always coming up with some reason to go to the "man store" when they get together.
Well-we have another Michael Jackson fan. Kyra. A few weeks ago I taped the Glee episode that featured Michael Jackson songs and Tristan and Kyra LOVE them! She will dance and sing to them and of course Tristan can't get enough of it. I'm thinking maybe she will be Michael Jackson for Halloween this year. ;-) She also loves loud gospel music. Some days I wonder where she came from.
Cortlynn came home from school Friday with so many free dinner certificates I honestly don't know when we will use them all. She received several for perfect attendance and a few for straight A's----some days I don't know where she came from. ;-)

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