Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good Bye Henry

A little over a year and 1/2 ago I noticed a bump on my lower "behind"/upper thigh.  I had a PA look at it and she was pretty sure it was just a boil.  OKAY---gross. I'll just keep that to myself.  Fast forward to the birth of Brynlee and the 6week follow up appointment with my doctor.  He took a look and believed that it was just a cyst.  Alright---still gross.
Well-in July this boil, cyst, lump grew an appendage.  I swear it felt like a rod, an arm, or a leg.  It didn't hurt all of the time, but when it did-my entire thigh would ache.  Of course I mentioned this to Devin and he ordered me to get it checked.  So-last Tuesday I went to the Skin Institute in Pocatello. 
The nurse was so nice.  I told her what was going on and due to the location I kept putting it off.  Stupid!!! Come on I've had 4 kids.  I dropped my pants, put on a gown, and waited for the doctor to come in.  He walks in and gets a big magnifying glass and gets down in my business.  My butt isn't small and neither is the bump-but I guess the magnifying glass is needed.  I discussed my "symptoms" and he asked me to lay down on my stomach so he could get a closer look.  He was pretty sure it was a benign lipoma AKA a fatty tumor, and asked if I wanted to keep an eye on it or remove it.  Since Devin was at home with the girls, I've met my deductible, and I want to be able to enjoy the many nude beaches of Idaho without people staring at my lumpy bum,  I opted to cut it out.
The nurse prepped the area and the procedure began.  It took longer than expected because Henry (yes, I named it) didn't want to come out.  There was a lot of scar tissue and he had to cut deeper than he had originally planned.  When he finally removed all of it the nurse showed me Henry's remnants.  EEEEEKKKK!!!! Talk about nasty---it ended up being about a quarter in diameter and close to 2 inches long.
The location has made it difficult to change the dressings each day. I tried the 1st day and put everything on crooked.  Unfortunately Devin has worked late a few of the days so I had to beg Cortlynn to help me.  Poor girl.  It hurts to sit and I know I look funny when I walk.
I am happy to say that it was in deed a benign tumor named Henry and no other treatment is necessary.  
This is a photo of "Henry" a few days after he was removed.  It really doesn't do the bruising justice.

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