Monday, January 7, 2013

Dermatologist Visit

A little over a week ago I went to a Dermatologist to have a scar thing looked at on my leg.  I've never been to one before (for myself) so it was a new experience for me.  I find it weird when doctors don't have eye contact with you while they are talking and appear to be nervous--this doctor was nice and professional, but it felt like I was on a "first date" with a freshman in high school that has never been on a date before.  When he asked me if I've ever had a really bad sunburn with blisters--I withheld the truth and told him yes-twice; on my shoulders and feet.  I left out the fact I burned my boobs one summer and they blistered up.  And there was absolutely no way I was going to tell him I have a phantom lump on my upper thigh/lower butt cheek since last January:  Maybe on the 3rd or 4th date.  ;-)  tee hee hee

He decided to remove my weird scar and send it for testing.  I was alright during the numbing process and the prepping of the area-but once he started cutting (I wasn't even watching-my head was turned away) I became extremely nauseous and broke out into a sweat.  I'm thinking shock was setting in--how embarrassing that would have been if I had passed out at the dermatologist. 

I have 5 stitches that Tristan and Cortlynn find horribly disgusting-yet Kyra is fascinated by it.  I get them removed on Friday and will have a scar-but at least I know what this scar is from unlike the one that was removed.

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