Friday, December 9, 2011

Don't you dare sit on your (bleep) ...Oh the Drama!

These last few days I've wondered how people can be so mean to each other-especially little girls. I was 10 once and in 5th grade, but I honestly don't remember being so mean and full of drama. Perhaps I blocked it from my memories and my mom remembers my pre-teen years differently. I don't know-but Cortlynn sure has had a few moments that have caused me to consider never allowing her to leave the house.

A few weeks ago a girl in her class was having a birthday party and invited every girl in the class except Cortlynn and her friend. This is alright-I don't expect her to be invited to all parties but the birthday girl and her "posse" actually went up to Cortlynn and the other girl and made a point to tell them that they were the only ones not invited. I guess the birthday girl and her friend didn't like Cortlynn's friend and were very mean to her at school. They even called her up at home and said horrible things. (not sure why--- caller ID and they left messages; easy to trace) The moms got involved and made the trouble makers apologize. Fast forward a week---now Cortlynn is the odd one out. Her "best" friend is now best friends with the other girls that were so nasty to her. (can anyone say "Heathers"???? a cult classic movie)

I've actually been dragged into the new drama filled blow up. A few nights ago-a dance mom approached me and told me how her daughter was accused of saying a bad word to another dancer and Cortlynn was the "witness". That night I sat down with Cortlynn and asked her the deal between the two girls. She rolled her eyes and told me how they are always being snotty to each other and that she tries to stay out of it. I asked her if she had ever heard either one of them say any bad words and she told me no. (Just the older girls and adults :-0 I talk to the mom again last night at dress rehearsal and told her that Cortlynn has never HEARD any bad words come out of either girls mouths. End of story. Nope--the girl making the accusation actually came up to me and told me that Maddi did say a bad word and that I need to say that. OH no you didn't little missy! I had to explain to her that I wasn't there and Cortlynn didn't hear anything so neither one of us would say anything different. The "funny" thing is the fact this has been going on for a week now and the incident took place 2 months ago. You would think that the word used was the mother of all words or even one of the other words that is used to describe certain women. Nope----the phrase in question is: "All she does is sit on her @$$"

Yep-that is it. Who would have thought WW III would have been started with the word @$$? Don't get me wrong, I don't think it is appropriate for little girls to have potty mouths and the world is full of to many "F" words--but stating that she sits on her butt???? The girl wasn't even called a "butt".... I don't know. I guess some women have to have drama in their lives and if their lives are boring they have to invent something to bitch about. (oh yes-I went there)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sounds more like my pre-teen years. . .