Saturday, December 3, 2011

Birthday, Thanksgiving, Photos, and Raaawwrrrr

This past week I "celebrated" my 36th birthday. 36!!! I can't believe that I am 36 years old. Just 4 more years before I am 40. I think because of that reason-I had a difficult time with this birthday. The kids were cute-they wanted to make sure they gave me my hugs and kisses, my birthday spanking, and Tristan even thought I should make myself a cake so I could blow out the candles. Devin gave me one of the best gifts I've ever received....a Kitchen Aid mixer. YEAH!!!! I am so excited to finally have a mixer that works. I've had several hand mixers, but unfortunately have burned the motors up. I just can't get over how much I LOVE my mixer. Thank you so much DEVIN!

For Thanksgiving the kids and I went up to Angela and Jeff's house for dinner. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and loved being able to sit back and relax. Devin came up after work: and I ate some more. YUMMY! Thanks guys-for having such a great Thanksgiving dinner!

I tried to take pictures of Tristan and Cortlynn this week and I can't believe how old they look. My little babies are growing up. :-(

A few weeks ago I took Kyra in for her 1 year photo. WOW-I can't believe she will be 1 in a few weeks. Anywhooo- She wasn't very cooperative this time. Most of the photos she was sitting on my lap. Thank goodness the photographer was able to crop me out. The following are just a few of the pictures-I am pretty happy with them. She is just so photogenic.

Several people made comments on Cortlynn's Halloween costume and the resemblance between her and me-so I looked thru my old photo albums and found one of me in the same costume. It's amazing how camera's have improved over the last 17 years---the photo quality has definitely improved.

1994 2011

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