Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

I cannot believe that Kyra is 10 weeks old today. Time flies by so quickly and I just have 2 weeks before I go back to work. I'm dreading going back and want to stay home so bad. I think all my kids would like to have me stay home, not just Kyra.
I've been looking for ways to save some money (with gas prices and food going up-saving $ is probably a good idea). I purchased some hair clippers and attempted to cut Tristan's hair the other day. Good grief---what I nightmare. Now I'm second guessing myself and wondering if paying $10 for each haircut would be worth it. He freaked out! He has such sensitive skin that when hair touches it-it turns red and itches and actually breaks out in a rash. This caused him to cry. He wasn't holding still and the clipper comb wasn't hooked on correctly; so it fell off-while I was cutting the top of his hair. OOPS! Thanks to the almost bald spot-I had to cut his hair a lot shorter to cover up the big oops. Cortlynn just stood there and laughed at me. I wanted to cry. Than when I saw that I actually cut his ear with the stupid clippers I did cry. Maybe the next time will be better.

1 comment:

Valina said...

I've nicked by boys before too and it does make you feel bad. They get over it though. I've found out that they hold still better if they can watch TV or have something to distract them. Good Luck(I hate cutting hair, but it does save us quite a bit of money).