Friday, October 1, 2010

More droppings, a rat, and a magic doctor...

This has been another one of those "weeks". We have not caught any of our mice and I'm quite disgusted by this. We know they are still around thanks to the droppings we find and have to clean up...I know that vacuuming mice crap isn't the safest thing for a pregnant women to do but neither is going completely nuts in thinking that she sleeps in a bed with them. Maybe I should invest in some cats.
Ironically, Cortlynn found out that she will be a rat in the 4 Nutcracker performances this December. Too funny! She is so excited to be a rat AND to be able to perform in all the performances including on "tour" in Blackfoot. Now the extra classes and running around begins; but it is worth it in the end.
Tristan has been too funny again this week. He has so many questions pertaining to the baby and I laugh at every one of them. A few of them include:
"Mom-does the baby pee and poop in your tummy?"
"When I was in your tummy did I fart?"
"Will the baby like to listen to Michael Jackson?"
"Can the baby listen to Michael Jackson now?" (I place headphones on my belly @night and the baby listens to Mozart)
"Did the baby get in your tummy by a magic doctor?"

These are just a few of the funnier ones....what a cutie.

I had a few meetings in Salt Lake this week so I had to stay in a hotel for 2 days. I really dislike travelling when I have so many other things to do at home and at work. This coming week is the same way---more traveling. I guess I need to get the traveling done before I'm not able to in a few weeks.
The baby has really seemed to grow the last little bit. I've actually had to break down and wear a maternity shirt at work because my other shirts are getting a little snug. My tummy has really popped out this week too....there is no denying that I'm expecting. Customers have made comments the last 2 days and were shocked to find out that I've hid it for so long. Tonight I had a regular customer come in and actually tell me that I'm too old to have a baby! Who says stuff like this??? I'm 34 for crying out loud! I can't believe the nerve of some people.

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