Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Few Days Off

I am taking a few days off from work and decided to take a few minutes to update the blog. Actually I created a "To-Do" list and this was included. I'm putting off the rest of the list because I'm just tired and want to rest.
Devin has this week off as well BUT has it in his head that he should be able to go hunting all week....he is mistaken! I need things done and he needs to help me with them. He did wake up at the bum crack of dawn today to go hunting....Yippee! 5:00am was the time and he wasn't the only one up. Nope---let's turn on all the lights and open all the drawers at 5:00 in the morning!!! I wanted to scream. Tristan heard him and thought it was time to wake up and watch cartoons----nope-mom is the bad guy and made him get back to bed. He needs all the sleep he can get since he is too big to take naps now. What a little man he is becoming.
Yesterday I had a baby doctor appointment and this little bundle HATES the visits. She will not sit still long enough to have her heartbeat counted; in fact-she will kick the nurse away. What a little stinker and she's not even out in the real worl yet--I think I'm going to be in trouble.
We also took both kids to the ear doctor yesterday and they were too funny. The first thing Tristan said when the doctor came in was, "My ears are all fixed!" He was right-they are fixed-yeah! Cortlynn has no change in her ears/hearing--the doctor just wants to make sure that she sits at the front of the class and when I told him that she starts in the front-but the teacher will always forget and move her to the back. Well-this isn't acceptable so he will be writing a note to the school to make sure she doesn't get moved. Sometimes the school will do what they think is best and you have to put them back in their place.

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