Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rodents are Satan's pets

The other night I woke up at 5am thinking that something or someone was nibbling on my finger. At first I thought Tristan was in bed with me so I patted around trying to feel for him. Come to find out-I was alone. Well this freaked me out because the nibbling felt so real. I jumped (OK-jumped as much as a 26 week pregnant women can jump) out of bed and turned on all the lights in my bedroom and bathroom. I preceded to look everywhere for what was nibbling on my finger....nothing was there. Needless to say I was too "scared" and confused to sleep so I went back to bed-fingers rolled up in fists-and stayed awake until 6:00. I told Devin about it last night and he basically laughed in my face and thought I was going nuts: maybe I am. Before I went to bed I hunted for the cause. (You know when you imagine what a rodent nibbling on your finger would feel like? that's what it was like) So I'm on my hands and knees underneath my bed and guess what I came across......disgusting mouse poop. I knew it! I'm not a psycho freak who is losing her mind---I just have a mouse problem-and to think that I possibly had a mouse in my bed while I was sleeping NIBBLING on my finger.......makes me want to vomit! I am completely disgusted---I try to keep a clean house and I have rodents?
So gross, gross, gross, eeeekkkkkk! I think I will sleep in a hammock.


Heather said...

Makes me feel better about the one that crawled on my pillow at your old house!! NASTY! Hit Devin for laughing at you- he deserves it :)

Valina said...

Oh I hate mice! I would have been freaked out and couldn't sleep either! Good luck getting rid of it!