Monday, August 30, 2010

A few random happenings

Keeping up with this blog is sure tough when you have a million other things going on in life. Work has been hectic and full of changes. Last week we had an audit and the results won't be known for a few weeks....a little nervous. It's amazing how we do the same thing day after day and as soon as the auditor walks in-our minds become noodles: my mind included.
This week I'm 23 weeks pregnant and I am exhausted! Maybe it's because I'm older; I don't know-I just can't find any energy. This little girl is constantly moving until you place your hands on my belly and she stops. I'm not too big yet but my back hurts--I'm so thankful for 2 children and a husband that will rub my back when I beg.
Tristan has become such a funny little man. He is constantly saying things that we laugh at and wonder where he gets it. The other night I was going thru the mail and I had a pile of junk mail sitting on the chair next to me. Tristan came up to me, looked at the pile and sees an envelope. This is what he said after seeing a Geico envelope.
Look mom, that is Geico. (I looked at him and asked him how he knew that) He continues to say- "Yeah mom-that is Geico and they will save you a lot of money in car insurance."
I just sat there and laughed. It's so funny what he remembers and what he repeats. He is so full of "it".
Cortlynn had a talk in primary Sunday so I helped her come up with a talk. She came home from church and I asked her how it went. She told me that it went really well and that the primary president liked it so much she made a copy of it and asked Cortlynn if she will read it at the next primary program in sacrament. I'm so happy for her---but dang---now I need to get up early and go to sacrament to support her with her talk. ;-)

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