Monday, June 29, 2015

Pre-Term Labor Days-June 27 and June 28 (the COMPLETE post)

When I went to bed Friday night I was experiencing contractions-enough I began to time them. Well, I was so tired I fell asleep.  They must not have been that bad because I didn't have hard ones until 7:30am.  I stayed in bed for a while-got up to use the restroom and noticed another labor system.  I decided at that point I needed to take a shower, pack my hospital bag, paint my toenails (yes, I still am able to do that),help the kids pack their bags for Bear Lake, have Cortlynn help me put laundry away, and make sure everything is ready.  When Devin got home I told him what was going on and than told my parents.  I had about 5 reports for work I had to finish and submit so I worked on those before calling my doctor. My mom was NOT thrilled with that decision.  When I called the doctor, I was instructed to go to the hospital.  When we left-everyone else left for Bear Lake.  I was a little say seeing my kids leave-but I know they will have so much fun.  We arrived at the hospital and was directed to an actual room, not a "closet type room" we had with the Brynlee fiasco.  Devin was able to get a few photos of me in the hospital gown before I was checked.  Oh yeah-I'm a lot of sexy!

I may be a lot of sexy, but if you look close-you can see that I'm an idiot and didn't put my arm thru the gowns arm hole.  Duh
I continued having contractions, had an IV placed, was checked, and waited to see the Dr.  He came in (from the golf course) and checked me.  He also did a quick ultra sound to check the positions of the babies. SURPRISE-Baby B flipped and both are head down.  I sure am praying they stay that way.  After his visit-he wanted to work on stopping the contractions and monitor me overnight.  Every day the babies stay in the womb is 2 days out of NICU.  They gave me a shot which caused the contractions to stop for about 2 hours. They started up again, so I got another shot as well as another steroid shot (this would be steroid shot #3-better to be safe than sorry)  This time the shot really didn't make a difference.  The contractions were about 15 minutes apart.  I was moved to a more comfortable room for my overnight stay and there I had dinner and an ambien.  You would think I would crash and sleep--nope. With the steroid shot side effect of sleeplessness, contractions every 15 minutes, and having to go to the bathroom constantly since baby A is on my bladder-I got a total of maybe 20 minutes of sleep all night. 

Around 5:00am the contractions began to come every 5-7 minutes and were quite intense.  Some even brought me to tears they hurt so bad.  The nurse checked me about 2 hours later and there was NO CHANGE!!!  Being so tired and full of emotion--I didn't know what to think.  I wanted the babies to stay in but having such strong contractions for 2 hours with no change was a little hard to hear, pretty discouraging.  I was able to eat breakfast and the Dr stopped in to check.  He gave me a little pep talk and ordered a different prescription to see if that would help as well as an ultra sound to make sure of the position of babies.  This prescription seemed to work and the ultrasound confirmed both babies are head down; for now.  Since the contractions were somewhat under control-Dr Hall gave me an option to stay in the hospital or go home on bed rest and hope the babies stay in for a little longer.  Wednesday would be 35 weeks.  Of course I chose home.  Granted we are 45 minutes away-but I prefer my own space and my own bed.

I'm definitely tired and worn out---last night I had some pretty good contractions again but they dissipated around 12:30 and I was able to get some sleep.  The house is completely empty and quiet yet I still woke up 9am.  How unfair is that.?

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