Sunday, January 25, 2015

December 2014

December was such a busy time in our family.  Of course we had Christmas, but we also had Nutcracker, programs, and too many other things to mention.  This year Cortlynn and Tristan was in the Nutcracker and I even decided to be in it as well.  Between the 3 of us I swear we had a rehearsal of some kind every night- Mon-Sat.  Everyone had fun.  We were fortunate to have my parents come visit and help with the little girls while mom performed.  Cortlynn was in 5 performances, Tristan was in 6, and I was in 4.  Kyra wanted to be in it soooo bad but she has to be 6.  She was able to go to one of the performances with grandma, Nicole and Miranda.  She LOVED it.

Tristan was a soldier. This year he was able to "shoot" the cannon.  Cortlynn was in Waltz of the Flowers and was also in Marzipan.  Both dances are just beautiful.

I was a party parent and "danced" in two separate dances.  My partner/date was a 17 year old boy so I was definitely the cougar of the show.

It wasn't just Nutcracker--Kyra had a preschool Christmas program.  It was only 15 minutes but was SOOOO cute!  She is quite the performer.

On the 23rd Kyra turned 4. Where did the last 4 years go??  She was so  excited for her birthday and was happy the grandma and grandpa Swanson and aunt Nicole were here to help celebrate.  She chose to go to McDonalds for her birthday dinner.

Can she look any cuter???
Christmas morning was great.  The kids didn't wake up too early--well, Cortlynn and Tristan woke up EARLY-snooped, than went back to bed.  Hmmmm, Kinda reminds me of me and my brother.  My parents and Nicole were also here to celebrate with us and everyone had a good Christmas.

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