Monday, December 22, 2014

June,July, Aug, Sept

This year was my 20th High School reunion.  We began planning it months before and like so many things in my life---at the last minute, changes had to be made.  I had some wonderful friends that helped pull everything off and I think everyone had a great time.

There was a weekend that we packed up the camper, called Josh and Heather and drove to Mackay to camp.  I think the kids had fun even if we did just camp for 1 night.

For one of the Activity Days I had the lesson on "Planting the seeds of Faith" and I made up these little cups of dirt and worms for dessert.  The girls loved them.
Brynlee is such a girl!  She loves to wear high heels already and she is still a baby.
First day of school!
Tristan is in 2nd Grade

Cortlynn's first day in 8th grade

Kyra's first day at Preschool

Kyra has waited to take ballet since she has been able to speak.  FINALLY she is old enough to take dance.  She can hardly wait for Friday's to come around and for her to put on her dance clothes and dance.
Brynlee tripped and landed on our hard wood floor step---this photo doesn't do justice with the monster goose egg and bruise she ended up with.  I can't even imagine how bad that hurt.

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