Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

This year we had a really nice Christmas.  We decorated the inside of the house early so we were able to enjoy it longer.  Devin was in charge of the outside decorations and got a lot of them up-but didn't do as much as he had hoped.  He is already making plans for next year.  One of our favorite activities is sitting on our couch and watching all of the cars drive by to look at our lights.  There are some that will actually take photos (kinda weird)  On Christmas Eve I counted 8 cars in 5 minutes.  It was a CrAzY around our cul-de-sac that night.
 I was playing around with my camera one night and asked Kyra to pose by the tree. Of course she was more than willing.
Photo of our home:notice the flying reindeer?!
Cortlynn and Tristan had a Nutcracker performance and was unable to attend the Ward Christmas party.  I braved it alone (Devin made it to the dinner) and took the little ones. Santa made an appearance this year.  Kyra was excited-her first time EVER, and Brynlee was terrified.
Christmas Eve jammies.

This year Santa brought Tinsel the magical reindeer to our house early.  The kids needed to be watched and their actions reported to Santa each night.  Not only would he hide every night-but he brought a box full of wrapped books.  Each night the kids would unwrap one and we would read it as a family (or at least try. Our schedules were almost too much)  We don't have an elf on the shelf--I don't need anyone extra being and doing naughty things at the house.  Having Tinsel hide every night was difficult enough.

The kids left out a plate of cookies and milk for Santa as well as Tinsel.  He always goes back with Santa on Christmas Eve.


You can't see it well-but Tristan sprinkled reindeer food out on the grass.  If you look close-you can see the sparkles in the snow.

Santa made it to our house and I was able to get a photo before the kids woke up.  This year--the kids woke up early-but they let me sleep.  Kyra came in around 9:00 or so-asking me to please wake up so they could open presents. 

Brynlee enjoyed the bow on her gift more than the gift.

On Christmas day-we traveled to Idaho Falls to have dinner with Devin's family.  They rented out a room and it worked out so much better than piling in someones home.  We enjoyed good food and good company.  It was extra special this year because Devin's mom suffered a heart-attack just after Thanksgiving.  She sure gave us a scare--and we were happy to have her celebrate Christmas with us.

Grandma and Grandpa McIntire weren't able to come down for Tristan's birthday-so they gave him his gift at Christmas.  Can you tell by his reaction that he LOVED his gift?!

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