Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Let's Circle the Wagons

Those of you that know me well know that I have MANY weird quirks:  I can't sleep by a door, I fold towels a certain way, I like things cleaned a certain way, I have a bubble around me and don't like people in that bubble; and these are just to name a few.  Well-I'm afraid some of those have been passed down to my kids. 
Kyra loves to play and when she plays she has to have the toys in a circle, with absolutely NO space.  We wonder if she was a pioneer in her former life because she "circles the wagons".  I went into Tristan's room the other day and she had done the same thing with his Batman castles.  Silly girl.

 This is how I feel everyday--I just don't fall asleep in my food.  Some days I wish that were an option for me.
Poor Little Kyra-I don't think she is getting enough sleep.  She falls asleep in the weirdest places.

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