Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A magical, wonderful appliance: used only by a mom.

I'm not a person who stays on top of the current trends or fads. For one thing, I'm too cheap-and for another; trends and fads are continually changing. But-in our home we have a contraption that I think all households should invest in. Since it was already in the home when we moved in and the owners manual cannot be located; I'm not sure if there is a warning against husbands and children using the 
shiny metal box: perhaps they are afraid of being shocked with a volt of electricity or maybe green slime will drop from the sky and fall on their heads-either reason, it seems only me (the mom) is able to touch it.
This miracle sent from Heaven is known as a dish washer.  Yes-it actually washes dishes.  Unfortunately it doesn't load itself with the dirty dishes and it is unable to put the clean items away, but man or man----it sure can clean.  In our home-it seems like only the mom is able and willing to fill it up with the dirties and put the clean ones away.  If you want a room to clear out all I need to do is open the door of this magical appliance and the crickets can be heard.  chip, chirp, chirp.....
Don't get me wrong-they know how to do it and will help when asked---but that is the keyword: ASKED!!!!!   I think I will take a week off and do absolutely nothing unless I'm asked.  I wonder how that would go?!?!

I took this photo today because Kyra was being so goofy- This is honestly what I deal with every single day.  That girl is so silly and loves to make silly faces and make mom smile.

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