Monday, March 11, 2013


To label me frustrated would be a complete understatement.  I don't think there is one word that can describe exactly what I am: perhaps a mixture of descriptive words---frustrated, embarrassed, pissed off, disappointed, perplexed, stressed, angry, and overall OVER IT!

All of this is thanks to Devin's (yes-I realize it is a community property state and what is his is mine, but not this) house in Arco.  AKA the house from hell.  I seriously believe there is a massive black cloud that hangs over this piece of crap property that will haunt me until the end of time.  Most people would think having a rental property is a great way to make an extra income and doesn't take a bunch of work:  LIE!!!!!!   Since the beginning-this has been a pain in my side.  We've had a tenant pass away inside the house, a tenant die in a horrific car accident while living in the home, and another tenant who passed away in a car accident shortly after moving out.  We've had renters who I would actually classify as squatters, not renters.  To be called a renter-a person must actually pay rent.  The current "squatters" seriously haunt me in my dreams.  I am losing sleep over these inconsiderate butt-holes that are constantly coming up with excuse after excuse. 

I love my husband and he can definitely be a "jerk" but not when he needs to be.  He really shouldn't be a landlord because he is too nice and takes people for being honest individuals that would never lie or cheat him.  The current situation is horrible and I will admit--embarrassing.  BUT-I'm going to break it down for everyone to read---I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm just hoping other people don't make the same mistakes as we have and currently are.

Monthly Rent for a 2 bedroom house$350.00   (this is less than my first apartment I had by myself.  Also-daycare for one child is usually twice as much as this amount.  When we file our taxes every year-we get a warning message stating that we need to actually charge $600.)
****We pay $93+ a month for the city bill:  technically--their rent ends up being $250.00/month

The current squatters are 7 months----yes, you read that right; 7 MONTHS behind.  Go ahead laugh--I would laugh too-if I stopped biting my lips from crying.  Don't think that nothing has been done in an attempt of collecting money.  I've typed up countless letters, notices, and even an eviction notice (or two, or three, or four)---the last eviction notice Devin handed to the guy and actually told him, "You've pissed off my wife and she told me to give you this eviction notice.  It's not the real one, yet...."    Can you guess what I did when he came home and told me this---yep-flipped out as only a pregnant women can.  Not a real one?????  WTH Devin!!!!!   The amount of money we have received from them in the last 15 months wouldn't even buy a case of Vaseline---and believe me, we need that case.  ;-{

Devin has been promised the money is on it's way---the money is in the mail----since October; with the last call coming in last Thursday stating the past due rent was put in the mail the day before.  Here it is Monday and still no money:  I didn't realize if you mailed something in Arco--it travels to the Pacific Ocean via the Pony Express-gets on a boat and travels the entire length of the ocean, only to get back on the Pony Express to get to us in Pocatello. 

The phone calls upset me as well----my patient husband is so nice---says thank you, has small talk with him, and continues to tell him that he understands.  The messages he leaves are also nice with thank you's and please call us.  I've decided to take things into my own hands.  I've called him and left messages----let's just say, he usually calls back within a couple of hours; not the normal 5 day turn around.  There are no thanks you's or pleases uttered from my lips.  I'm to the point where I will be heading out to Arco--8 months pregnant--with an eviction notice in my hand---Once it is delivered and the "legal" time frame is up--I will than be filing a small claims suit.  What else is there to do????? 

I sat Devin down last night and expressed my frustration with the situation and how stressed out I am over it:  I don't think he really understood until I broke down just how much money we have lost in the past year.  Thankfully the house is paid for and we don't have a mortgage on it---but we still have the monthly city bill and the yearly taxes----  I wish we would just list the property and get rid of it.

I think I'm done venting for a moment--but just remember---being a landlord isn't all sunshine and roses with a bunch of money----it's a lot of work, stress, and frustration.  I wouldn't recommend it--invest in a metal detector-you would make more money in the long run.

1 comment:

Jodi and Skott said...

Sorry about your frustrations! My mom had the same problem when she was renting our old property in Moore. It was a nightmare.
I hope you guys can get these squatters evicted soon. And food for thought: if you charge more for rent, ppl are more likely to take it seriously, and you will attract renters that can/will actually pay, although I am sure you know this already!
Good luck