Monday, December 17, 2012

A little piece of mind....a little comfort.

Where do I start? I debated on whether or not to write about what happened last week but where I use this blog as a sort of journal and actually try to print it off in book form each year--I decided I needed to write.  Not to tell people how they should feel or what they should believe, but for me to have an outlet and in a way "piece of mind".

When I heard about the shooting in Connecticut that took the lives of 20 little, innocent, and sweet 6 and 7 year olds and 6 adults that sacrificed their lives to protect those children-my heart broke.  I mean, I sat at my table in complete disbelief and shock.  Yes I'm pregnant and very emotional-but this took it to a whole other level.  When the names and birthdates were released, again I lost it.  One of the special little boys had the same birthday and was the exact same age as Tristan.  I can't even fathom what those parents are going thru and I pray I will NEVER have to know that kind of pain and heart ache.  I drop Cortlynn and Tristan off at school every day and make an effort to tell them I love them and I think it is SO important to say those 3 small words whenever you can---you just never know. 

I will not say the name of the man who was so evil to do this to those 26 individuals because he shouldn't be the one that is remembered.  He will have his judgement and dealt with accordingly by God.  I don't think we need to "memorialize" his name---We need to remember the victims, the heroes, and the first responders--NOT the monster responsible. 

I also want to take a moment and vent.  I want to say how upset I am about the way some individuals are using this tragedy for their own personal "cause".  In the last few days I've blocked several people on facebook due to the comments that they made were just unbelieveable. 

I've read comments from people stating that the shooter must be a democrat because only democrats shoot people and cause harm.   How DARE you!  It is not a democrat or republican thing.

Some say that the children and faculty were shot and killed becuase God wasn't in the school--the government won't allow religion in the school.  How DARE you!  God has his loving arms around each and everyone of his children, especially innocent babies!  Tragic things happen and I know he was there with tears in his eyes welcoming them home.

Some have actually said that it is a government coverup----the same people responsible for 9/11 is responsible for this shooting.  The "shooter" was a scapegoat and didn't do the shooting--it was other individuals.  How DARE you! 

Some say that the President's speaches disgust them and that he is completely faking the tears; and that he's also behind the tragedy.  How DARE you!  Can you even imagine what the president goes thru when he hears this kind of news? I don't care if it is Obama or another person in office.  It is a horrible, nasty thing--and all eyes are on them and what actions they will take.  He has a heart, he has two children, he is (I know it's shocking) HUMAN! 

Of course the  Gun Control debate will be in high force.  I'm not saying I think all guns should be illegal; but something needs to be done.  Changes need to be made.  Stricter background checks? Perhaps.  Tighter laws? Maybe.  I don't have the answers-all I know is that what our country has now isn't working.

My final thought on this tragedy is this:  so many loved ones and good people have passed away these last few months.  I've attended more funerals this year than I've attended in all my other 37 years.  I believe these individuals (my grandparents included) are needed in Heaven to help with all the children that have been taken too soon--especially by all the violence in the world.  I know these 20 children are in heaven listening to great stories, songs, and getting great big hugs from our loved ones that have passed.  When nothing else has made a lot of sense in the last 3 days---knowing that my grandparents are hugging those children as their own grandchildren-brings me a little comfort.

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