Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ben and Bananas......

It has been a month since my last post: not because of a lack of excitement or stories to tell;no-it's a lack of enthusiasm.  I've had thoughts cross  my mind but some weren't the best or maybe the most positive so I nixed it in the butt and decided to keep my mouth shut and my fingers away from the keyboard.  Now that it has been a month I thought maybe I should make a post for my adoring fans---Huh!!!  okay-just for me.  I've actually had people/person tell me that I'm long winded--well, that  may be true but no one is forcing you to read this blog: I write as an outlet,  as a form of a journal, a form of stress release, and at the end of the year it is nice to print the blog off and have a written account of the year with all the photos.  This blog is for ME and anyone else that reads the contents is an added bonus.  (please keep your negative comments to yourself-I don't want to hear them)

Enough of my soapbox---I am continuing to have not good days with the loss of grandma and grandpa.  My poor dining room still has boxes hidden in the corner because I just can't bring myself to go thru them and put things away.  I WILL get to them, I swear.....before Christmas I hope. 

My grandma was a funny lady---some may not know that my grandparents LOVED to wake up early and call the radio station to win those trivia contests.  A few years ago the phone rang EARLY in the morning: I picked it up, said hello--and on the other line is my grandma saying, "Is it Bananas?"  Hmmmm, I didn't know how to respond.....again she said, "Is it bananas?  well Bud, I don't think that is the answer." and click-she hung up.  This story has been a classic "grandma story" for years and she never really saw the humor in it.  Well----I have my own, "Is it Bananas" story.

The morning my grandma passed away I offered to call my brother to let him know.  Understand that it was a little after 5AM--I dialed his number and he answered.
 (me) Dan?..
(Dan) yeah.
(me) Hi---um grandma passed away this morning. 
(Dan) Ok 
(me)I will call you later and let you know more of the details.  
after a long pause......
(Dan) Ummm, who is this?
(Me) This is Christina, Isn't this Daniel???
(Dan) No, This is Ben.
Oh crap, Oh HOLY Crap!!!!!!  going thru my head.....
(me) I am soooooo sorry, I've called the wrong number.  I'm SOOOOOOO sorry.  CLICK

Poor Ben---can you imagine receiving a call like this at 5 in the morning-and than after the shock-finding out-oops, sorry wrong number.....I felt like such an idiot.  I know exactly what I did because when I went to call Daniel again-I almost called Ben AGAIN---Poor, Poor Ben.  BUT---this story helped lighten the mood a little over the next couple of days. 

1 comment:

Jodi and Skott said...

Oh Christina! I was laughing so hard when I read this!!!!
Hang in there, don't feel pressured to get to those boxes until YOU are ready. They will wait.
And long winded? I don't think so... at least not the wind coming out of your mouth, if I remember correctly ;)