Friday, July 13, 2012

World Class Leader-AKA Devin

The last couple of months Devin has had leadership classes at the store each week.  I don't really know what is discussed; he has shared one or two items and I would rather not know what is discussed during the classes.  Well-the final class was last week and every manager that was in the class had to vote on a person they thought was the "best" in the class.  Guess who received the prize???  Yep-you guessed it; my husband.  He came home with this really nice glass award for his achievement in leadership and listening. 

When he told me listening I was a little perplexed.  Listening Devin---really??  I have to tell him things multiple times and I still don't get heard.  I've reverted to saying random things in the middle of my sentences to actually see whether or not he is paying attention.

 EXAMPLE:  Today Tristan had a really good T-ball game, Boobs-and he hit the ball really far.  He also got 3 outs, Boobs-and was so happy. 

Could you see the random word in there???  Yep---Boobs seem to be the conversation getter.  I brought this up to Devin and I asked him if he shared that information with his class---he thought about it and decided not to.

I am proud of him for this beautiful award/achievement; but he won't be getting one at home.  Boobs-

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