Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Please November---come already.

Here it is early May and I am SOOOOOoooooo sick and tired of all the political crap you see on TV, in the Newspapers, hear on the street;  I HATE it!  I wouldn't say I am a hard-core Democrat or Republican.  I vote for the person I like, who doesn't give me the heaby jeabies---that person can be a "red" or "blue" candidate. 
I understand that living in the United States gives you "Freedom of Speech";  but not in our house.  Politics is off limits.  I will actually tell guests that it isn't allowed.  I don't understand people that are so vocal about their political views and will treat others with disrespect if they believe in something different.  Having all of the media outlets to voice opinions and thoughts makes it even worse.  Facebook is a nightmare.  I am constantly hiding political thoughts from people because I really don't want to read all the negativity and blaming.  I even had one person state the fact you need to pray for who you will be voting for and if you think your prayer is answered and you vote for a certain candidate for another 4 year term---well, I guess that's you're problem.  Because I PRAYED and God told me to vote for (this candidate).  SERIOUSLY?????  It is perfectly alright to pray for guidance and help---but to judge someone's prayers and basically tell them that they didn't receive the right answer is crap!!! 
We have always been told and taught that in the final days the world will be full of turmoil;  HELLO---don't you think the world will still be in the crapper no matter who is in office???  I think so- 
I don't think I can handle the next 6 months; I'm seriously debating not watching any news, reading any papers, and even possibly avoiding Facebook until this is over.

Another one of my "Hot Topics" would be vaccinating your children.  I can't even imagine the diseases little children had to go thru prior to the development of vaccinations, not to mention all the deaths.  I couldn't imagine losing a child.  There are sooooo many people that aren't vaccinating their children for various reasons---religious, personal beliefs, thinking the risks are too great;  I personally--think children should get vaccinated.  There are side effects in everything we do:  things we eat, drink, touch-but to have a child suffer from a disease that could have been eliminated from a shot infuriates me.  There have been so called "studies" linking vaccinations to autism: My thoughts on that....I think Autism is something no one really knows the cause.  With all the added chemicals in the foods we eat, the pollution in the air, etc--something like that causing it makes more since to me than vaccinations.  We had a little baby pass away from whooping cough last week here in Pocatello-and now there are people saying that most cases of pertussis come from vaccinated children.  Give me a freakin break.  Only about 75% of children in our school district have been vaccinated.  75% !! That is soooo scary.  It scares me that the other 25% could pass something to a baby or a child that has a compromised immune system.  Not being able to attend school because they could get sick from a non-vaccinated child is so sad and is completely unfair.  I know there are people that are strongly against vaccinations and that is fine---this is my blog and I can write what I want to write.  I'm not going to go on Facebook and call people idiots for not having the same beliefs.

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