Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kyra's Ear Tube Procedure

After 4 ear infections and an ear full of pus--Kyra's doctor thought it would be best to place tubes in her ears.  Today was the day for her surgery.  Since she doesn't sleep thru the night and not able to eat or drink anything after midnight-I was a little nervous for last night.  Kyra was such a trooper.  She slept until 3:00am and was ready to leave the house at 4:15.  Devin had to work, so I dropped Tristan off at Grandma and Grandpa McIntire's at 5:15 and checked into the hospital at 5:30.  She was soooo good.  She scowled at the nurses and doctors and wasn't amused by their barking but she didn't cry.  She actually sat in the wagon and let them take her back to the operating room without a tear-at 7:15.   The actual procedure was very quick and I could hear her crying when she woke up.  That just tears you up when you hear your little baby cry and you aren't allowed in the room.  I finally went back and was able to comfort her and settle her down.   She has done so well---very grumpy and tired but so am I.  She must also be dizzy because she has been falling over all night.  What a little angel.
There were two other little girls getting tubes placed as well.  One was a little older than Kyra and the other was the same age.  I found it interesting sitting in our "room" with the curtain closed and listening to the nurses on the other side.  They were trying to hand off who would deal with what patient --and the one nurse actually said-"I want the shoulder not the crying 1 year old.  I have a screaming kid at home, I don't need to deal with one at work."  (I think they forgot I was sitting there with a 1 year old who had just finished crying).  Our little babies don't understand what is happening to them and I can only imagine how scared they are when they wake up-in pain, in a strange place, with wires hooked to them, and their mom isn't around.  It is just amazing to me what people say not thinking that others can hear them. 

These are photos before she went back for the procedure.  This is the pink dog the hospital "gave" her.  I wouldn't really say "gave" since you pay a butt load of money.  She really liked it and was excited to show her dad when he got home tonight.

She is just so dang cute!!!!  Even on little sleep.

She wasn't sure about the wagon--but once she sat in it with her pink dog-she was all smiles.

1 comment:

Valina said...

She is a doll! I hope the tubes help and she will be feeling better soon! Hoping for more sleep for you too!