Tuesday, March 27, 2012

OUCH! Spring, and "What are you doing??"

Kyra has had one of "those" weeks. Since birth she has had nasty ears----constant ear infections and when she doesn't have infections they are filled with wax. I hate to take her to the doctor every time she rubs her ears or is a little cranky because it isn't always an ear infection-just nasty wax. Well-she had her 15 month check up today and I told her doctor that she has been rubbing her ear a lot and I can hear stuff in it---she looked in it and yep--it is full of pus. She swabbed it and will test it to see what kind of bacteria she's growing. ;-( Now she is on ear drops to hopefully clear it up.)
Last night we were playing outside and she was pushing the tricycle around until it tipped over--her fingers ended up underneath the handle bars and she was on top of it. I pick her up and kiss her one finger and she keeps screaming. When I get her in the house I'm looking at her finger and realize the one I was kissing wasn't even the one that was really hurt. Nope-she had torn the skin off of part of a finger and her nail was already black. I felt terrible. Now each child has had a finger injury by age 2. Maybe I should create a collage of finger injuries and hang it on a wall.

Kyra's poor little finger. Not a very good picture because she wouldn't hold still for it today.

The other night we played outside. ALL of the kids were so excited to get outside and play on the bikes and the jeep. Kyra wasn't too sure about the texture of the grass-but I think she would have stayed out there all night.

Tristan and Kyra were sooooo cute in the jeep. They rode in it so much the battery died.

A friend of my moms gave Kyra some clothes and these sparkly boots. They are too big but she wears them anyway!!! Look at that cheesy smile.

The piano is such a hit with the kids--they actually fight over who can sit on the bench and play it.
This past week I decided to make a little change in my life and I don't know if it was the best decision. The jury is still out. I decided to start running. Yep-I said running! All of you that know me knows that I am NOT a runner. I took track in high school once and never ran a race-I conveniently missed my races. ;-) tee hee hee The last time I ran was 3 years ago and that resulted in most of my toe nails turning black and the doctor telling me I should have surgery on my feet to correct the deformity. Fast forward 3 years and I start a "From the Couch to 5k" training system. In the past week I've run 5 times for a total of 15 minutes. I can run and not be winded but my knees are awful! They are literally yelling, "WHAT are you doing, ---?? you need to sit back on the couch or stick to walking!!!!" My knees hurt soooo bad that I can't even walk down stairs let alone run. Devin told me to take a couple of days off to see if they get better and than start again---but-they don't seem to feel better(maybe even slightly worse-now they hurt to walk on flat ground) hmmmmm....Maybe I wasn't meant to be a runner. We'll have to wait and see.

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