Monday, January 30, 2012

Great Flood.......

Do you ever sit and wonder how evil the world really was before the "Big Flood"--you know, the flood where Noah built the Ark and everyone and everything was covered in water except for what was on the ark??? I do-and I can't imagine how bad it was based on the world today. Believe me-I'm not perfect or holier than thou: I occasionally say a bad word or two...or three:-) I enjoy Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, The Walking Dead, Rescue Me; I watch rated R movies, I gossip, enjoy a cup of coffee some times, I have strong feelings of hate for a few people, I get jealous; and these are just a few of my "flaws"---BUT I can't get over how much "trash" we put up with in our day to day lives.
A few months ago there was a huge debate over the airing of the show "The Playboy Club" or something like that--I don't know I didn't watch it. With all the flack the show received and I doubt it was any good-it was cancelled. No complaints about that. I want to complain about another show that has a target audience of family. It is a little show called "Family Feud". I absolutely HATE, despise this show but I find myself watching it every so often and I end up ticked that the show is on during the day when children can watch it. It should be called "Nasty Puzzle Feud" or "Sexual Innuendo Feud". I think about 90% of the puzzles have answers pertaining to male and female anatomy and the word sex. Just a few examples:
****Name one thing you would buy a male stripper for his birthday.
****What could an airline pilot have in his hand during a 24 hour flight?
****What could your wife find if you were cheating on her?
****What could happen if you have a one night stand?
***Name something you need on your wedding night.
These are just a few examples and I'm not even putting the answers. YES-the answers are what you are thinking. They even have "slang" names for the anatomy answers. It irritates the crap out of me. I can't believe people don't complain about this show. I'm getting irritated now just writing about it. AAAHHHH!!!!!
This little example doesn't scream, REASONS FOR A GREAT FLOOD- but it is just one little example of what we now find appropriate.

The other day I received one of those shopping magazines in the mail. Like the ones that have the inexpensive gifts, items for the home, etc. This one was different---Cortlynn was looking at it in the car and all of a sudden got this strange look on her face and put it down. I asked her what was going on and she told me that kids shouldn't look at that magazine. When I got home I looked at it....there were Cards, socks, bathmats, pet products, and all of a sudden in the middle of it---there were 4 pages of sexual products. Yep-you read that correctly. Videos, pills, and other "items" that I couldn't believe was in a magazine that was sent to "Neighbor at...." No wonder Cortlynn was a little embarrassed. Some of the items are items that you would find behind a locked cabinet at Karnation Intimate Apparel.....Now I need to look at the "innocent" shopping magazines prior to letting anyone look at them. When did this become the new normal???

(a little spoiler alert)
I just finished reading the book "Heaven is for Real" and it was written by a father of a little 4 year old boy that went to Heaven. I know-it seems far fetched-but some of the things in the book really makes you think that maybe he did go to heaven. It was a nice little book to read and when I was done with it-I wanted to wake up my kids and give them a huge hug and tell them how much I love them. The little boy told his parents that he had two sisters-one of which died in his moms tummy. (this happened prior to his birth and they had never told him about it) He met her in Heaven and she couldn't wait to have her family in Heaven with her. His mom miscarried at two months and didn't even know that it was a girl. I stopped and thought for a moment about all of those women that have lost a baby due to a miscarriage. The pain I can't imagine but to be able to have the hope to see that child in heaven just put a smile on my face.

One last thing---we watched "Courageous" the other night as a family. What a powerful little Christian film on love and family. I really enjoyed it and Cortlynn keeps telling me how good that movie was. If you haven't seen it-I would recommend it. It is by the same studio that made "Fireproof" and "Facing the Giants". It was nice to watch a movie knowing that Tristan wouldn't have to cover his eyes or plug his ears. (please don't think I have my children on my lap while I watch rated R movies---even PG movies have moments of eye covering for kids) I really believe PG/PG-13 movies were at least R 20 years ago.

Sorry about the soap box posting--if you don't like it, forget you read it and move on. :-)

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