Tristan has been a hand full this week as well. He is a walking accident. That boy constantly has a bruise, cut, or scrape somewhere on his body. We walked up to the school to get Cortlynn and he was running on the sidewalk and fell. He skinned his knee and elbow up so bad. There was blood everywhere. It was nice to see all of the other kids run over to him and make sure he was alright. He is such a boy-anything having to do with bodily functions fascinates him. :( He made a mess in the bathroom the other day and when I asked him, "Tristan, why is there pee everywhere?" he responded with the following "Mom, I was trying to get the fly" I think I'm in some serious trouble with this little man. He'll keep me on my toes.
Cortlynn is doing well in school and loves going to dance-3 days a week. She was stretching the other night and she is soooooo flexible. I'm completely impressed. She has decided to run for class representative and is giving her speech tomorrow----we will have to see how that goes. (UDATE) She is disappointed that she didn't get enough votes to be the classroom rep. The boy that won brought suckers and told the class that he would give every person one if they voted for him. I feel bad-maybe I should have made some rice krispie treats or something but they technically weren't supposed to do that. Oh well-
Our basement is still causing me stress. The company came and fixed our carpet and steam cleaned last Friday and that night I found out that the wrong company did it. On Monday when I spoke to the restoration company to find out why there was such a mix up-the woman actually had the nerve to tell me she didn't know anything about the carpet company or what I was talking about. It took everything I had not to rip her a new one...I paused for a few breathes and informed her the days I spoke to her and refreshed her memory on our conversation. "Oh, that's right. I do remember. Hmmmmm, oops." So she tells me she will contact the insurance company and the carpet company and explain to them what happened. Well-I get home last night and I have a call from the carpet guy-he has no idea what is going on. Nice! I love it when people don't do what they say they are going to do. $100 bucks says she hasn't called the insurance company to get the funding switched so I will freak out again when I get he bill from the restoration company.
This past week there have been several horrific accidents that have killed several people and unfortunately Devin and I have known a couple of the victims. The first was a 23 year old man that Devin knew and who has been to our house on several occasions; he some how fell out of his moving truck and was killed. (there was alcohol involved so this one could have been avoided; but Devin was upset by it.) Two days later I heard that the interstate was closed due to an accident and I found out 3 hours later who was involved. The sweetest women named Cathy works at Fred Meyer with Devin and I've known her for years; her 17 year old daughter and her 18 year old boyfriend was driving down the freeway, something happened and she went thru the median, flipped the car upside down, and hit a semi head on. The car shattered. It didn't even look like a car-just pieces of metal. I feel so bad for Cathy-we would talk about her daughter Micah a lot because she was born with a hearing impairment too so she would give me advice on Cortynn's hearing loss. This has been a horrific week and I just hope this is the last of it.
On a positive note: Cortlynn took this cute picture the other day and it just brings a smile to my face. What cuties.
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