This morning was the last straw; I'm going to vent....I woke up early to get ready for the kids (that I babysit)to show up and I was sitting on the chair wondering why Devin was taking a shower again. After an hour I'm upset because I could only dream of taking an hour long shower so I go outside to look at something and realized that I could hear a loud stream of water. The light bulb went on and I ran downstairs to discover that our window well was half way full of water, we had about an inch of water in the bathroom, the carpet was soppy, and the water was still gushing into the window. I run upstairs to find Devin and inform him of our good news and for him to turn off the water. Thank goodness we have a wet-vac; Devin sucked water out for close to two + hours. I jumped on the phone to call a restoration company, insurance company, sprinkler man----EEEEKKK!
We are pretty certain the sprinkler system is the culprit AGAIN!!! Our basement flooded two years ago but unfortunately this time is worse. They had to cut away part of the wall and remove the insulation. It also went into a storage closet where we keep the Christmas decorations. Fun, Fun, Fun.... I hate, Hate, HATE our sprinkler system and I've told Devin NO MORE! We will be using the good ol'fashion watering: green hose and sprinkler heads. The amount of money we've spent and will be spending could have been used for a nice vacation or at least have the sprinkler system completely redone.
The fans have been set up and we will know a little more tomorrow. I'm just thankful this happened today and not this weekend when we will be out of town. I can only imagine the lake we would have come home to based on the amount of water coming into the window. We would have lost soooooo much.
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