Tuesday, June 28, 2011


When Devin and I were dating we would go on a date 2,3, sometimes 4 times a week. Before we got married we made a pact that we would have a date night every week. Than Cortlynn was born and the weekly date became more like a monthly date. Fast forward a few years and I need to look in a dictionary to see what the definition of "date" is. Our Anniversary was no different. :-) In October I placed a bid on a 1 night stay at a themed hotel at Cortlynns Halloween Carnival; expecting someone to outbid me. Nope-I won it. I thought I would have a year to use it but it actually expired June 30. So=Anniversary here we come.
Kyra doesn't like a bottle anymore and I didn't want to leave her so I knew she would be coming with us. Everyone is so busy that I wasn't sure what to do with the other two kids. Hmmmmm....So Devin worked and told me he would get off earlier than 5:00: nope-he got home closer to 7:00. We decided that we would sneak out for a few minutes and get some ice cream-just the two of us. Ice cream was good. We came home, picked up the kiddos and went to the hotel. (the kids LOVE to stay in hotels-so why not) You're really not supposed to have kids at the hotel so we "snuck" them in. We actually had a back door so it was easy. Everyone was hungry so we decided to get pizza. Too bad the first place closed at 10 and the other place closed the door at 10 and you had to go thru the drive-thru. We finally got back to the room with pizza at 11:00.
The next morning we woke up, snuck the kids out, and headed to Idaho Falls for Kyra's 6 month check-up/shots. Yep that summed it up. Ah well, spending time with the family can't be beat and the kids enjoyed a night away from home.

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