Saturday, April 2, 2011

A change is a Coming....

There are some big changes in the McIntire household. They are big yet VERY exciting. As most of you know I went back to work on March 17. It was awful!!! There had been tears daily for two months prior to the return date and the morning of my return was no exception. Devin and I have been racking our brains since Kyra's birth to figure out a way for me to quit my job. Start a new business, babysit, work at night, work from home, book keeping, etc.....anything-but nothing really came up. I decided to go back to work and see what happens in the future. Back to the 17th----I did not want to leave the house. I cried and cried and looking at Kyra's face just made it ten times worse. When I went back to work after having Cortlynn and Tristan I was emotional and cried-but nothing like this. Maybe it's because I'm older, maybe it is because the world is such a different place and I think it is important to try to stay home with your kids, maybe it's because I don't have fun at my job anymore and my job made me feel negative all the time--whatever the reason-I was a mess. The first couple of days were difficult. I would text the sitter throughout the day to make sure Kyra was alright: of course she was, but I had to know for sure. On Monday March 21 (the 4th day back) my manager visited and after his visit my mind was made up. Sometimes you just need that final "thing" to take place that will make up your mind and that is what happened. I've put up with a lot over the last couple of years, but I drew the line and am saying Good Bye to my job. I am SOOOOO excited. I've been working since high school, and working with the bank for 12 1/2 years so this will be an adjustment for me: but I believe it was the right time and the right thing for us to do. Tristan counts down the days until he can stay home with me; and Cortlynn isn't quite sure of "why" I'm quiting to stay home. On the news the other night there was a story on a local job fair and she told Devin that "Mom can go there and find a job". Too funny! The morning I was planning on turning in my notice, Cortlynn came up to me and asked me why I was so happy. You know it is time for a change when your children can see how unhappy you are and it effects the entire family. Now the count down is on: just a few more days and I will be "free".

Yesterday was April Fools and Cortlynn thought I had plans to trick her all day. I picked up the kids after work and told them we were going to take pictures in front of the Weinermobile. Cortlynn thought for sure that I was joking because it was April Fools and didn't believe me until she saw it parked in the Fred Meyer parking lot. I took a few photos and none of the kids wanted to be there. Tristan ended up in tears and

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